Get The Resources You Need To Help Teens Persevere In Their Faith
When you partner with Live Jesus Ministries, you will receive the training and resources needed to build a high impact small group ministry for teens.
Why Should You Consider a Small Group Discipleship ministry for Gen Z?
“Youth ministry, as traditionally organized, has suffered the impact of social changes. Young people often fail to find responses to their concerns, needs, problems, and hurts in the usual structures. As adults, we find it hard to listen patiently to them, to appreciate their concerns, demands, and to speak to them in a language they can understand.”
– Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium
The Big Question: What is the most basic need of a teenager and how can our youth evangelization efforts meet their most basic need?
The Short Answer: Relationships that go deeper, not wider. Young people are yearning for a place where they can build intentional relationships with God, the Church, spiritual friends, and adult spiritual mentors.
Small group discipleship ministry can meet this need.
Here’s What We Know:
Teenagers who participate in a small group with a mentor during high school are 59% more likely to attend Mass 4+ times a month by their senior year of college then those who did not.
77% of teens who participated in a small group during high school identified themselves as active Catholics.
What you get
A FREE solution for Catholic Schools & Parishes in the Diocese of Toledo
An Innovative Small Group Discipleship Approach for Teens
Training, coaching, and resources on how to build a small group discipleship ministry for teens at your location.
Strategic planning on how to onboard your adult community and increase involvement/support for your teen small group discipleship ministry.
Coordinator Orientation & Formation
A custom made orientation process for onboarding and equipping your locations youth discipleship coordinator to lead the ministry(youth or campus minister).
Monthly youth discipleship coordinator gatherings to pray, connect, discuss, strategic plan, support, and grow deeper spiritual lives, utilizing the Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales.
Live Jesus Mentor Training(Initial and Ongoing)
A five session in-person training for adults who desire to become spiritual mentors for teens.
Training consists of the following modules: What is Discipleship, Adolescent Culture, Spiritual Mentorship, Mentorship Practicals, Small Group Discipleship Approach & Resources.
Additional opportunities for continued training and spiritual enrichment are available through two day/one night Live Jesus mentor retreats offered yearly for trained & active mentors/coordinators.
Access to the Live Jesus Top Twelve curricula and curriculum team, available to make custom-made one-page curricula for the questions teens bring up in small groups.
Live Jesus Youth Nights
Mini-retreat events for any 8th-12th grade teenager in the Diocese of Toledo to encounter the Most Holy Trinity and take a Next Step in their process of following Jesus.
Live Jesus Youth Nights are tailored towards the needs of locations partnered with Live Jesus Ministries.
Youth discipleship coordinators, adult mentors, and teenagers(either active or inactive in small group discipleship) are welcome to attend these events.
Additional Resources:
Mentor Portal: Access for partnering locations to all foundational documents, spiritual mentorship materials, mentor agreement, curricula, starter kits, question lists for teens, Thresholds of Conversion guides, "X Effect" Handout, and more.
Educational Reading Materials: Introduction to the Devout Life, Forming Intentional Disciples, From Christendom to Apostolic Mission, Word on Fire Gospels, Discipleship Focused Youth Ministry, The Art of Forming Young Disciples, and more.
How it works
Partner with Live Jesus Ministries at no cost to you
Receive the training and resources you need
Build a high impact and long lasting small group discipleship ministry for teenagers.
Partner locations
Contact us to learn more
Live Jesus Ministries is on a mission to transform the landscape of youth evangelization in the Diocese of Toledo. Founded on the belief that relationship-building is fundamental to sustainable faith, we are dedicated to equipping Catholic Schools & Parishes with the tools they need to thrive. By prioritizing authentic connections between teens and God, mentors, their friends, and the Catholic Church, we’re not just changing lives; we’re cultivating a generation of passionate and committed disciples, ready to respond to the command of Jesus, “Go, and make discipleship of all nations…”
Live Jesus
Join us in forming lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ.